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CYBER123 has been established and working in the background battling cyber crime and viruses for many years. We comprise of IT experts and insurance experts to give the best possible advice on the life-cycle of cyber crime, scams and frauds. Not only do we know how to spot scams and frauds but we also take our time to figure out why a particular scam is there and how each scam works.


Take a deep dive into our policies including terms & conditions, privacy policies, security policy, security framework and data inclusion policies.


If you need to get intouch with us to report an incident or even just to say hello, pop along to our contact page to reach out to us.


we believe that prevention and training is the best way to secure your world, if we can train you on what things to spot, how scams and cyber crime works then we believe you are less likely to become a victim. Our unique training offers scenarios and advice on what to spot how to protect yourself and how to deal with the scams and frauds that are about in the world today.


Here at CYBER123 we believe that prevention and training is the best way to secure your digital world. If we can train you on what things to spot, how scams and cybercrime works then we believe you are less likely to become a victim. Our unique training offers scenarios and advice on what to spot how to protect yourself and how to deal with the scams and frauds that are about in the world today.

Understanding the resources that support critical functions and the related cyber security risks enable businesses to define resources and efforts in mitigating the risks

CALL US:  +44 (0)20 3457 4683 EMAIL US: info@cyber123.com


If I have your work email address, generally, now I will have your first name and surname and the company you work for.


Firstly, if your Instagram account has been hacked then there is a good chance your email has been hacked as well. What you would need to do first would be to report it to Instagram.


Telephone spoofing is easy to do, all you have to do is create an account on a website, enter a few telephone numbers and you get to call someone as if you were someone else.

Is your child being Cyber Bullied

Parents can find it difficult to tell the difference between the emotional development of their children or whether something more sinister is taking place.
A lot of the times it is normal for growing children to have mood swings, quiet periods, manic periods and changes of emotional circumstance but sometimes these can also be a sign that they are being bullied or bullying others.

From Xero to Zero

To test and check the security of Xero online accounting software I wanted to see if they were susceptible to MITM attacks. I created a trial account and signed up and logged into Xero using standard 1FA (1 Factor Authentication –ie, password). I installed the Xero APP on my phone and Logged in being able to Skip MFA (Multiple Factor Authentication).

Three Mobile Data Breach

According to news reports some 6 million customer records have been stolen from Three Mobile (one of the UK’s largest mobile network providers). In order to commit this type of upgrade fraud the attackers must have used authorised login credentials to access the upgrades systems. Data accessed would have included names, phone numbers, addresses and date of births of customers.

Three reasons to worry about worms

Worms are a type of malware similar to viruses in that it is self-replicating. However, worms don’t generally attach themselves to applications. Why should you worry about worms?

The Day the Internet Died

Twitter, Spotify, Reddit, PSN and a whole load of other internet services and websites were down or left partially working on Friday. This happened when hackers launched an extremely large Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on Dyn DNS Servers. Dyn is a major host of internet DNS servers. It looks like Dyn was hit with up to 4 attacks lasting most of Friday.

3 reasons to worry about spyware

Obviously spyware is not something that you would like to have on your computer, tablet or mobile phone but should you be worried about spyware? Some of the stories I have heard are just scary!

Are you infecting your customers?

Earlier in the year mobile provide O2 had marketing campaign where they were promoting an e-book. To distribute their e-book they sent out free USB memory sticks to their customers. Unfortunately for them the e-book wasn’t the only thing on the USB sticks and unwitting customers that plugged the USB sticks into a windows devices found themselves infect with a virus.


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