Is your child being Cyber Bullied?

We all want to keep our children safe online as there are a lot of dangers and material we do not want to expose our children to. One threat that often gets over looked is cyber bullying, this where people perpetrate a sustained campaign of harassment against another person. This harassment can have serious consequences as one in five victims of cyber bullying have considered suicide. Cyber bullying can also result in social anxiety, depression and even physical illnesses caused by stress.

How do I know if my child is being bullied?

Unfortunately, many signs of cyber bullying could also be caused by a number of other things however these you should still be on the lookout for.

  • Change in the amount of time the spent with their phone/laptop/tablet/PC.
  • Change in mood of child when they receive a text/email/instant message.
  • They begin falling in school and are reluctant to go.
  • They have trouble sleeping or eat less.
  • They receive a large amount of texts/emails/instant messages.
  • They delete things on social media.
  • They are secretive with their online activity.


What is a cyber-bully?

There are many reasons why people bully others; A bully is usually going through a stressful situation and could be suffering from emotional or physical abuse; either at home or from another bully. Often they are being bullied themselves and are passing it on to someone else as a release. There are other reasons and these can include jealousy and insecurity.

What can I do if I suspect someone is being bullied?

Maintain an open dialogue with your child about their internet use and if you know of anyone being cyber bullied then report it to us and we will anonymously pass it on to the relevant people.

Familiarise yourself with the privacy settings and reporting features available on popular sites and services.

If your child is being bullied online, save all available evidence and report it to us.

Search for Cyber123 on the appstore or google play.

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